Overcome procrastination in business

One simple step to develop as an entrepreneur

“You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great”. This quote is often used as inspiration for students. It means that it's okay to make mistakes when learning something new, but you can't succeed if you don't get started”

― Les Brown

Overcoming Procrastination in Business?

Like many people starting in business, I used to think I needed every "I" dotted and all T's crossed. Little did I know there was one simple thing I needed to do...

How much time have you spent just thinking about non-revenue generating tasks?

Now Don't get me wrong — planning and preparation is part of the process.

But — spending months thinking about: business cards, websites, business names, LLC's and more? ( a bit much)

Here’s the thing…

When I left corporate, I applied for a DBA and starting doing freelance work. Starting out? I really didn't need the DBA.


This hands on approached allowed me to learn my target market fast!

It's important to gather market research (data) on your customer base. Why create or start a business that no one will patronize?

I know people who sell their services in DM's (direct messages).

That's right! No fancy website, business cards or business name required!

Think about this — people do business with those they know, like, and trust.

So, I realized I needed to spend less time thinking and planning out every single detail.

All I needed to do was - TAKE ACTION!

It's about talking to more people. Being the analytical person I am — I had to learn how to process information quicker in order to make decisions faster.

Now — I can move faster towards measurable results.

Remember: you don't have to be great to start but you have to start to be great.

I challenge you to starve your fears and procrastination by TAKING ACTION.

Start NOW!


I don’t know exactly where you are on your journey, but I share words of encouragement, lessons learned, and ideas to help you grow your business.

If you find value here, please share this newsletter with a friend. Deal?

❤ Rudy

💻 In Today’s Edition

  • TP’s Marketing Lesson

  • TP’s AI Artwork

  • TP’s Tech Trends

  • TP’s AI Tool of the Week

💡 TP’s Marketing Lesson

How To Get Your First 100 Customers for Your SaaS Product

Rob Walling, a startup founder, author, and investor, shares actionable strategies to secure your first 100 customers for your SAS product. Look for advantages before coding, like an audience or network. Set up a landing page, launch to an email list, and utilize platforms like Product Hunt, Hacker News, Reddit, Quora, Stack Exchange, and Appsumo. Focus on customer retention and building a desirable and marketable product.

🎨 TP’s Inspired AI Art

PROMPT: African runway fashion, Goddess African Queen,Nigerian aura, wearing a cyan African dress with gold embellishments, full body photography, sharp details, detailed face, no extra fingers, zoomed out, fur cape with tiger head texture cascading behind her, braided hair,full audience, wave art , holding African Staff, Egyptian jewelry, 3D, cinematic, 35mm photograph, film, bokeh, professional, highly detailed, ethereal, mesmerizing, surreal, dreamlike, enchanting..

Something is a little off? Did you catch it?

What’s wrong here?

🤑💡 Biz Idea: Asking A $100M/Year Founder For Profitable
Business Ideas - Watch

📈 TP’s Tech Trends

  • Study Warns: Doctors Are Not Prepared AI Transformation
    of Medicine 🔗Read

  • Artificial Intelligence Apps for Children: Blessing or Curse? 🔗Read

  • How AI is helping deliver smarter supply chains  🔗Read 

  • Every start-up is an AI company now. Bubble fears? 🔗Read

  • Today’s AI News 🔗Read

🤖 TP’s AI Tool of the Week

Chirp (generative music)

Suno generates realistic audio - including speech, music and sound effects. Bark was optimized to generate speech, but the same underlying foundation model can also produce non-speech audio such as music and sound effects. We are now previewing our new music model, Chirp, on Discord. Once you join the server, you can use the new /chirp command to start making music with vocals - for free and on demand.  

Learn More👉 Chirp

Thank you for taking the time to read today's TechPreneur Newsletter. I hope the information was helpful and inspiring. As always, I'm here to support you in your business journey, so please don't hesitate to reach out to me on Twitter at @rudybanx Keep striving for success!

Until next time!


P.S. - share this newsletter with family and friends.